Design Flows I


Scaling has driven digital integrated circuit (IC) implementation from a design flow that uses primarily stand-alone synthesis, placement, and routing algorithms to an integrated construction and analysis flow for design closure. This chapter will outline how the challenges of rising intercon-nect delay led to a new way of thinking about and integrating design closure tools (see Chapter 13). Scaling challenges such as power, routability, variability, reliability, ever-increasing design size, and increasing analysis complexity will keep on challenging the current state of the art in design closure.

A modern electronic design automation (EDA) flow starts with a high-level description of the design in a register-transfer-level (RTL) language, such as Verilog or VHDL, reducing design work by abstracting circuit implementation issues. Automated tools synthesize the RTL to logic gates from a standard cell library along with custom-designed macro cells, place the logic gates on a floor plan, and route the wires connecting them. The layout of the various diffusion, polysilicon, and metal layers composing the circuitry are specified in GDSII database format for fabrication.

The RTL-to-GDSII flow has undergone significant changes in the past 30 years. The continued scaling of CMOS technologies significantly changed the objectives of the various design steps. The lack of good predictors for delay has led to significant changes in recent design flows. In this chapter, we will describe what drove the design flow from a set of separate design steps to a fully integrated approach and what further changes we see are coming to address the latest challenges.

Similar to the eras of EDA identified by Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli in “The Tides of EDA” [1], we distinguish three main eras in the development of the RTL -to-GDSII computer-aided design flow: the Age of Invention, the Age of Implementation, and the Age of Integration. During the invention era, logic synthesis, placement, routing, and static timing analysis were invented. In the age of implementation, they were drastically improved by designing sophisticated data structures and advanced algorithms. This allowed the software tools in each of these design steps to keep pace with the rapidly increasing design sizes. However, due to the lack of good predictive cost functions, it became impossible to execute a design flow by a set of discrete steps, no matter how efficiently implemented each of the steps was, requiring multiple iterations through the flow to close a design. This led to the age of integration where most of the design steps are performed in an integrated environment, driven by a set of incremental cost analyzers.

Let us look at each of the eras in more detail and describe some of their characteristics and changes to steps within the EDA design flow.


In the early days, basic algorithms for routing, placement, timing analysis, and synthesis were invented. Most of the early invention in physical design algorithms was driven by package and board designs. Real estate was at a premium, and only a few routing layers were available and pins were limited. Relatively few discrete components needed to be placed. Optimal algorithms of high complexity were not a problem since we were dealing with few components.

In this era, basic partitioning, placement, and routing algorithms were invented. A fundamen-tal step in the physical design flow is partitioning to subdivide a circuit into smaller portions to simplify floor planning and placement. Minimizing the wires crossing between circuit partitions is important to allow focus on faster local optimizations within a partition, with fewer limiting con-straints between partitions, and to minimize the use of limited global routing resources. In 1970, Kernighan and Lin [2] developed a minimum cut partitioning heuristic to divide a circuit into two equal sets of gates with the minimum number of nets crossing between the sets. Simulated annealing [3] algorithms were pioneered for placement and allowed for a wide range of optimiza-tion criteria to be deployed. Basic algorithms for channel, switch box, and maze routing [4] were invented. By taking advantage of restricted topologies and design sizes, optimal algorithms could be devised to deal with these particular situations.
