Design Flows II


With the advent of ICs, more and more focus shifted to design automation algorithms to deal with them rather than boards. Traditional CMOS scaling allowed the sizes of these designs to grow very rapidly. As design sizes grew, design tool implementation became extremely important to keep up with the increasingly larger designs and to keep design time under control. New imple-mentations and data structures were pioneered and algorithms that scaled most efficiently became the standard.

As design sizes started to pick up, new layers of abstraction were invented. The invention of standard cells allowed one to separate the detailed physical implementation of the cells from the footprint image that is seen by the placement and routing algorithms. Large-scale application of routing, placement, and later synthesis algorithms took off with the introduction of the concept of standard cells.

The invention of the standard cell can be compared to the invention of the printing press. While manual book writing was known before, it was a labor-intensive process. Significant automation in the development of printing was enabled by keeping the height of the letters fixed and letting the width of the base of each of the letters vary according to the letter’s size. Similarly, in standard cell application-specific IC (ASIC) design, one uses standard cells of common height but varying widths depending on the complexity of the single standard cell. These libraries (Chapter 12) created significant levels of standardization and enabled large degrees of automation. The invention of the first gate arrays took the standardization to an even higher level.

This standardization allowed the creation of the ASIC business model, which created a huge market opportunity for automation tools and spawned a number of innovations. Logic synthesis [5] was invented to bridge the gap from language descriptions to these standard cell implementations.

In the implementation era, a design flow could be pasted together from a sequence of discrete steps (see Figure 1.1). RTL logic synthesis translated a Verilog or VHDL description, perform-ing technology-independent optimizations of the netlist and then mapping it into a netlist with technology gates, followed by further technology-dependent gate-level netlist optimization.

FIGURE 1.1 Sequential design flow. 

This was followed by placement of the gates and routing to connect them together. Finally, a tim-ing simulator was used to verify the timing using a limited amount of extracted wiring parasitic capacitance data.

Digital circuit sizes kept on increasing rapidly in this era, doubling in size every 2 years per Moore’s law [6]. Logic synthesis has allowed rapid creation of netlists with millions of gates from high-level RTL designs. ICs have grown from 40,000 gates in 1984 to 40,000,000 gates in 2000 to billion gate designs in 2014.

New data structures like Quadtrees [7] and R-trees [8] allowed very efficient searches in the geometric space. Applications of Boolean Decision Diagrams [9] enabled efficient Boolean reasoning on significantly larger logic partitions.

Much progress was made in implementing partitioning algorithms. A more efficient version of Kernighan and Lin’s partitioning algorithm was given by Fiduccia and Mattheyses [10]. They used a specific algorithm for selecting vertices to move across the cut that saved runtime and allowed for the handling of unbalanced partitions and nonuniform edge weights. An implementation using spectral methods [11] proved to be very effective for certain problems. Yang [12] demon-strated results that outperformed the two aforementioned methods by applying a network flow algorithm iteratively.

Optimizing quadratic wire length became the holy grail in placement. Quadratic algorithms took full advantage of this by deploying efficient quadratic optimization algorithms, intermixed with various types of partitioning schemes [13].

Original techniques in logic synthesis, such as kernel and cube factoring, were applied to small partitions of the network at a time. More efficient algorithms like global flow [14] and redundancy removal [15] based on test generation could be applied to much larger designs. Complete coverage of all timing paths by timing simulation became too impractical due to its exponential dependence on design size, and static timing analysis [16] based on early work in [17] was invented.

With larger designs came more routing layers, allowing over-the-cell routing and sharing of intracell and intercell routing areas. Gridded routing abstractions matched the standard cell tem-plates well and became the base for much improvement in routing speed. Hierarchical routing abstractions such as global routing, switch box, and area routing were pioneered as effective ways to decouple the routing problem.

Algorithms that are applicable to large-scale designs without partitioning must have order of complexity less than O(n2) and preferably not more than O(n log n). These complexities were met using the aforementioned advances in data structures and algorithms, allowing design tools to handle large real problems. However, it became increasingly difficult to find appropriate cost functions for such algorithms. Accurate prediction of the physical effects earlier in the design flow became more difficult.

Let us discuss how the prediction of important design metrics evolved over time during the implementation era. In the beginning of the implementation era, most of the important design metrics such as area and delay were quite easy to predict. (Performance, power, and area are the corresponding key metrics for today’s designs.) The optimization algorithms in each of the discrete design steps were guided by objective functions that relied on these predictions. As long as the final values of these metrics could be predicted with good accuracy, the RTL -to-GDSII flow could indeed be executed in a sequence of fairly independent steps. However, the prediction of impor-tant design metrics was becoming increasingly difficult. As we will see in the following sections, this led to fundamental changes in the design closure flow. The simple sequencing of design steps was not sufficient anymore.

Let us look at one class of the prediction functions, estimates of circuit delay, in more detail. In the early technologies, the delay along a path was dominated by the delay of the gates. In addi-tion, the delay of most gates was very similar. As a result, as long as one knew how many gates there were on the critical path, one could reasonably predict the delay of the path by counting the ­number of levels of gates on a path and multiplying that with a typical gate delay. The delay of a circuit was therefore known as soon as logic synthesis had determined the number of logic levels on each path. In fact, in early timing optimization, multiple gate sizes were used to keep delays reasonably constant across different loadings rather than to actually improve the delay of a gate. Right after the mapping to technology-dependent standard cells, the area could be reasonably

well predicted by adding up the cell areas. Neither subsequent placement nor routing steps would change these two quantities significantly. Power and noise were not of very much concern in these times.

In newer libraries, the delays of gates with different logic complexities started to vary significantly. Table 1.1 shows the relative delays of different types of gates. The logical effort characteristic indicates how the delay of the gate increases with load, and the intrinsic delay is the load-independent contribution of the gate delay [18]. The fourth column of the table shows that the fanout-of-4 (FO4) delay of a more complex NOR4 logic gate can be three times the delay of a simple inverter. (The FO4 delay is the delay of an inverter driving a load capacitance that has four times the inverter’s input pin capacitance. An FO4 delay is a very useful metric to measure gate delay as it is mostly independent of process technology and operating conditions. Static gates vary only 20% in FO4 delay over a variety of such conditions [19].)

Simple addition of logic levels is therefore insufficient to estimate path delay. Predicting the delay of a design with reasonable accuracy requires knowing what gates the logic is actually mapped to. It became necessary to include a static timing analysis engine (Chapter 6) in the synthesis system to calculate these delays. The combination of timing and synthesis was the first step on the way to the era of integration. This trend started gradually in the 1980s; but by the beginning of the 1990s, integrated static timing analysis tools were essential to predict delays accurately. Once a netlist was mapped to a particular technology and the gate loads could be approximated, a pretty accurate prediction of the delay could be made by the timing analyzer.

At that time, approximating the gate load was relatively easy. The load was dominated by the input capacitances of the gates that were driven. The fact that the capacitance of the wire was estimated by an inaccurate wire load model was hardly an issue. Therefore, as long as the netlist was not modified in the subsequent steps, the delay prediction was quite reliable.

Toward the mid-1990s, these predictions based on gate delays started losing accuracy. Gate delays became increasingly dependent on the load capacitance driven as well as on the rise and fall rates of the input signals (input slew) to the gates. At the same time, the fraction of loads due to wire capacitance started to increase. Knowledge of the physical design became essential to reasonably predict the delay of a path. Initially, it was mostly just the placement of the cells that was needed. The placement affected the delay, but the wire route had much less impact, since any route close to the minimum length would have similar load.

In newer technologies, more and more of the delay started to shift toward the interconnect. Both gate and wire (RC) delay really began to matter. Figure 1.2 shows how the gate delay and interconnect delay compare over a series of technology generations. With a Steiner tree approxi-mation of the global routing, the lengths of the nets could be reasonably predicted. Using these lengths, delays could be calculated for the longer nets. The loads from the short nets were not very significant, and a guesstimate of these was still appropriate. Rapidly, it became clear that it was very important to buffer the long nets really well. In Figure 1.2, we see that around the 130 nm node, the difference between a net with repeaters inserted at the right places and an unbuffered net starts to have a significant impact on the delay. In automated place and route, buffering of long wires became an integral part of physical design. Today’s standard approach for repeater (buffer or inverter) insertion on long wires is van Ginneken’s dynamic program-ming buffering algorithm [20] and derivatives thereof. Van Ginneken’s buffering algorithm has

 FIGURE 1.2 Gate and interconnect delay.

runtime complexity of O(n2), where n is the number of possible buffer positions, but this has been improved to near-linear [21].

Recently, a wire’s physical environment has become more significant. Elmore RC wire delay models are no longer accurate, and distributed RC network models must be used, accounting for resistive shielding [22] and cross coupling. The cross-coupling capacitance between wires has increased as the ratio between wire spacing and wire height decreases. Furthermore, optical proximity effects when exposing the wafer vary depending on the distance between neighboring wires and the resulting impact when etching the wires also affects their resistance. Therefore, the actual routes for the wires from detailed routing are now very significant in predicting the delays. Moreover, global routing estimates of routing congestion can differ significantly from the actual routes taken, and global routing may mispredict where routing violations occur due to severe detailed routing congestion [23].

Netlist optimizations, traditionally done in logic synthesis, became an important part of place and route. Placement and routing systems that were designed to deal with static (not changing) netlists had to be reinvented.

Until recently, postroute optimizations were limited to minor changes that would cause minimal perturbation to avoid requiring a full reroute. These included footprint compatible cell swaps, particularly for critical path delay fixing by swapping cells to low threshold voltage, and leakage power minimization by swapping to high threshold voltage for paths with timing slack; manual reroutes to overcome severe congestion; manual engineering change orders (ECOs); and the use of metal programmable spare cells for fixes very late in the design cycle, avoiding the need to redo base layers. However, the gap between global routing estimates and detailed routing extracted capacitance and resistance have forced additional conservatism before detailed rout-ing, for example, avoidance of small drive strength cells that will be badly affected by additional wire capacitance, leaving significant optimization opportunities in postroute.
